A NANO Curriculum for students of different disciplines
Nanotechnology Center research focuses on fields that are widely termed: NanoScience, NanoEngineering, Materials Science, Materials Engineering, NanoTechnology or Device Physics. The faculty users of the Center are found in a broad range of traditional WFU departments from Orthopaedics to Engineering to Physics to Cancer Biology. The multidisciplinary nature of the work is its hallmark. But, there is a base of knowledge common to all work at the nanoscale. The Nanotechnology Center offers a range of foundational courses which act as a gateway to more advanced subject matter in research. The nano-courses are open to graduate students across the campuses and to well prepared, advanced undergraduates. Taken together, this nano-curriculum is WFU’s unofficial “concentration” in nanomaterials. Alternatively, individual courses may be taken to supplement research capabilities.
Experiential Programs
The Nanotechnology Center at Wake Forest also manages several exchange and internship opportunities, both to and from the Center. Prof. Carroll (carroldl@wfu.edu) is the contact for these programs.
1.Nanotech Student Exchange: for WFU students (both undergraduate and graduate students). This allows for students to visit collaborating laboratories in the U.S., Ireland, Germany, and Austria.
2.Nanotech Fellows: for students that wish to visit and work at the Nanotech Center for a specified time. Typically, the Nanotech Fellows program welcomes undergraduate or graduate students from abroad or from laboratories throughout the U.S.
3.Nanotech Summer Interns: for local high school students wanting to gain experience in the technology fields before going to college. In some cases local college students wanting to gain experience in the lab during their summer break have been accepted in this program as well.
NanoTechnology Center
Classes (PHY XXX)
PHY 656 Electron Imaging Science
Learn the basic theory and practice of electron microscopes
A fast paced introduction to the science and symmetries of quantum materials
The theory and practice of STM, and AFM: the foundation of nanosciences
The basic driving equations of kinetics in the solid state
PHY 391/691 or PHY 392/692 Surface Analysis Seminar
Intro to modern surface analysis techniques: XPS to Auger
The Nanotechnology Center 2019
Nanotech Colloquia Series
The Nanotechnology Center also sponsors a series of talks held roughly monthly. These talks are announced on the Physics web page as well as through the Nanotech News Letter. They are typically held in Olin or the Nanotech Center.
WFU Physics Colloquia Series
The Physics Colloquium is held weds at 3:30 pm in Olin.
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. frequently attributed to Benjamin Franklin
About Taking Courses at Nanotech
Teaching/Learning at the Nanotech Center focuses on experience. Most of our courses have some sort of lab with them, so they are “engagement centered.” This is coupled with lectures, workshops, guest speakers, and guided self study. A great deal of information is covered in a short time, so by necessity, class sizes are strictly limited and a lot is expected of students outside of class.
A couple texts recently published by our faculty...