NanoTechnology Center
Process Lab
Arc Growth Methods
Methods of arc production
BN, Carbon, and doped carbon nanotubes are grown within the facility. Equipment includes a "Large scale" kratchmer system capable of gm/day quantities in both MWNT and SWNT formats.
Chemical Vapor Deposition
Most of the growth efforts focus on doped nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes, nanowires, etc. Our continuous flow systems operate at temperatures between 750 C and 1400 C.
Pulsed Ablation
High energy, pulsed laser/plasma ablation and growth of nanostructures is currently under development at the Center. Based on high power YAG lasers and pulsed plasma torch: carbon, oxide, and other ceramic materials can be created in nanophase.
Polymer Synthesis
The Center has a synthesis lab for conjugated polymers used in OLED and OPV device studies. Instrumentation includes:
Multiple solvent stills
Glovebox for air/moisture sensitive reactions
Biotage Flash 100 Flash Chromotagraphy system
Ultra-fine Scales
A large assortment of glassware and reactors
Cold chemical storage
Closed circuit chiller system
Single injector electrospinning with mandrel or plate takeup system.
Images courtesy of Carroll Group
The Nanotechnology Center 2019
Materials from perovskites,to nanotubes, to SrTiO3, to composites, to nanopores, to... Made by the Nanotechnology Center