NanoTechnology Center
Optical Labs
Solar Testing Capabilities
Our laterally mounted AM1.5g standard testing setup allows the researcher to test angular response of a solar collection device from +90 to -90 degrees. Air Mass is adjusted through filters to match changes in spectral content.
AM1.5g Class A standard simulator
This “top down” mounted simulator provides he most exact measurement of cell performance conforming to the ASTM E927-05 standard. The Class A has a Spectral Match (each interval) 0.75 - 1.25, Irradiance Spatial Non-Uniformity 2% and Irradiance Temporal Instability 2%. Temperature control is available with this instrument. Certification / calibration certificates are available.
QE/IPCE Measurement Kit
Used for solar cell QE/IPCE measurements. Simple, yet flexible software that measures QE with a simple configuration setup. 300 W Xe light sources. All components from Newport which makes support easy Digital lock-in measurements with a NIST calibrated detectors over the 350 – 1100 nm range. Multiple Solar cell fixture are available.
The WFU outdoor testing facility
This facility is currently under construction. It will include weather and ambient conditions stations, mountings for commercial scale panels, and centralized data collection.
Solar Thermal
Several testing rigs are setup for testing solar-thermal collection.
Solar Testing
Emission Testing
An important part of NanoCenter’s optical metrology capabilities is the characterization of emitting devices. The Center maintains calibrated and certified capabilities in:
1) color scaling (CIE, CRI - temperature),
2) power and internal conversion efficiencies,
3) spectral analysis and contrast for display characteristics,
4) lifetime testing,
5) illumination patterns for general illumination sources.
The Nanotechnology Center 2019
professional photog in our labs to show what we have been working on...